Free Insurance Data Initiative
The addition to existing "data exchange formats" such as BiPRO and GDV
We create the basis for the emergence of digital ecosystems - in the spirit of "Open Insurance".
The aim of FRIDA e.V. is to develop standardized interfaces and to offer them directly not only to insurers, but also to third-party providers and customers - similar to what is already possible in open banking or in the context of PSD2.
Strong partners from the insurance sector, the open source approach and last but not least the non-profit idea of the FRIDA initiative should ensure that the API solutions establish themselves as an industry-wide standard. This makes digital ecosystems scalable and efficient, including insurance-specific data and services.
FRIDA promotes and establishes open standards in digital insurance and related business areas.
FRIDA relies on structured cooperation between insurers and policyholders as well as other players in digital ecosystems. FRIDA enables easy and secure access to insurance data - where it makes sense and is advantageous for the insured.
FRIDA supports insurers and their partners in the digitization process through customer-centric use cases and motivates all market participants to cooperate transparently.
FRIDA Imagevideo
Download white paper for free

FIDA (Framework for Financial Data Access): Establishment of a Financial Data Sharing Scheme (FDSS)
It could describe the future role of data exchange in the insurance industry within the framework of the Framework for Financial Data Access (FIDA), highlighting the potential challenges and the need for cooperation.

Insights on the FRIDA use cases and the Open Insurance positioning strategies
How are open standards established in digital insurance? Pensions, health care, car claims, cyber and other exciting application areas are highlighted.

FIDA as a catalyst for data-driven retirement provision models
What positioning strategies are there for insurance companies and how can the business model be further developed through FIDA / Open Finance?

FIDA (Framework for Financial Data Access): the first draft EU regulation
Industry experts examine the EU regulation in detail. Insights and a legal assessment are also provided and the effects on the insurance industry are analyzed!
We establish open standards in digital insurance and related business areas
As FRIDA e.V. we rely on personal "initiative": Would you like to contribute your passion and skills and actively help shape Open Insurance?
Then you are exactly right here!
The idea of enabling new, end-customer-centric use cases by opening data and breaking through industry boundaries unites us!
Der FRIDA Beirat
White paper on use cases, our FIDA study and the FIDA EU regulation
Available for free!
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We create new interfaces and processes using existing standards and taking IT security and data protection into account
FRIDA derives use cases from the perspective of end customers. In doing so, we ask which insurance data and processes are relevant for end customers.
FRIDA is aimed at insurers (goal of uniform and structured data exchange) and third-party providers (goal of data interoperability for innovative use cases)
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Supporting member of the association
Accompaniment from a bird's eye view - you will be regularly provided with information. You can exercise your right to vote at general meetings.